Blood Pressure, a photo by Army Medicine on Flickr.
It is quite unbelievable for me the first time my blood pressure at rest registered at 150/100 mm Hg. Could it just be the so-called white coat syndrome? The nurse told me to take a rest for a few minutes before she took another reading...140/100. That's when she asked if I was feeling anything and I said I didn't feel any different. But from that time on, I am not the same person. That was more than a year and a half ago. When my blood pressure went down to 120/80 without doing anything, I thought that was just some fluke. I didn't have my blood pressure taken again since then.
And then, just out of curiosity, I randomly had my blood pressure taken again after having the nurse dress up a wound when I accidentally sliced a bit of my thumb with a rusty cutter blade. There was again those annoying numbers...140/100. This time, the company doctor prescribed me initially with Amlodipine for a week. That really didn't significantly lower my blood pressure. Next in line was Metoprolol. I went bonkers with that one as I turned out to be symptomatic with it. I probably managed to take it for three days before I had to go back to the doctor. I felt like my energy was draining from my body after taking Metoprolol. What finally made the doctor decide that I should stop taking it is because I told him my heart rate was at 50 beats per minute even if I jog around for a while. Add to that, my blood pressure still didn't drop to the ideal 110/70 mm Hg.
Finally, the doctor prescribed me with Losartan. I guess that is more potent than those previous medications. It worked for me. After a month or so, the doctor reduced the dosage to half, and then to a fourth. My blood pressure was stabilizing at 120/80, not the ideal but far better than the initial readings I got. I was actually thrilled when the doctor said I could stop taking it for a week and we'll see what the effect was. Silly me, I stretched that timeline quite a bit more. But that was because my reading didn't go up. What made me go back is when I got readings of 130/90, three weeks after. But that was a long stretch and I have got to be thankful for the little blessings, in this case, of being drug free even for while.
Now I'm back to the daily medications. Next month, I would have my blood checked again for LDL, HDL, blood sugar and what-have-you's. There was nothing strange when I had it checked three months ago. I hope we do get to pin the culprit for my elevated BP. I refuse to blame it all on my genes. My guess is, this calls for a lifestyle change more than anything else.

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